What is the Menopause

- Having heavier or lighter periods than usual
- Less regular menstrual cycles
- Vasomotor symptoms ( VMS ) , such as hot flushes , night sweats , and / or flushing
- Mood swings
- Brain fog
- Difficulty sleeping
- Constant fatigue
- Anxiety
- Joint pain/stiffness
- Vaginal dryness
- Loss of libido
- Restful and disturbed sleep , sometimes leading to insomnia
- Tiredness and irritability
- Weight gain that often comes from nowhere ( i.e. , without a change in diet or eating more unhealthy foods )
- Vaginal dryness
- Melancholy , anxiety , attention deficits , and memory issues
- Diminished sexual desire or libido
- Dry mouth , eyes , and skin
- Itchy skin
- More frequent urination and urinary pain
- Sensitive or painful breasts
- Stiff or painful joints
- Reduced breast size
- Decreased bone mass
- Loss or thinning of hair
- Brittle nails
- More frequent headaches
- Urinary tract infections ( UTIS )
- Faster beating heart
- Decreased muscle mass
- More body hair growth , especially on the face , neck , chest , and upper back